Saturday, November 24, 2007

Killer Ebook Sales Tip: "How PS creates Passive Income"
by Jim Edwards

What makes people buy ebooks?

In his book "The Hypnotic Writer's Swipe File", Joe Vitale
talks about certain words and phrases that cause people to
drop their psychological defenses and totally *tune in* to
your sales message... almost against their will!

STOP - ask yourself if you've ever read a sales letter that
had you reaching for your wallet and ready to buy right now!

Sure, everyone has read a really good sales letter and
wanted to buy!

You may not realize it, but I have just demonstrated three
techniques Joe teaches in his ebook.

1. The word "STOP" immediately grabs you and lets you know
something important is happening. It tweaks your curiosity.

2. The phrase "ask yourself" gives a subconscious command
for you to ask yourself a question with a predictable
"yes" or "no" answer.

3. Finally, the statement "Sure, everyone has..." puts your
subconscious in a state of mind that "*everyone* buys from
sales letters" and this can make you think you're weird if
you don't buy also!

This "copywriting" stuff is so cool! I wish I had paid more
attention in "Psychology 101".

Now what does this have to do with selling ebooks you ask?

Well, there is a simple, yet powerful technique you can use
right now - *today* - to grab people's attention and expose
them to an ebook sales message without them realizing fully
what you are doing. You can use this technique with either
your own ebook or someone else's.

FACT: The two most powerful and most read parts of any
letter are the opening statement (or headline) and the PS.


Because both are important and, in the case of the PS, it
was so important you had to add on to the end of the letter
because you "forgot"!

Just like the word "STOP", a PS at the end of a letter gets
people's attention. With that attention you can deliver a
simple, subtle sales message.

Here's the PS I'm using right now in every single email
I send out (which is about 75-100 emails per day not
including the thousands of autoresponder messages)

This PS is programmed into my "signature" so it gets
added to every outgoing message.

P.S. Check out my latest ebook!
"The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business"

P.P.S. "Learn How to write and publish your own
OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little
as 7 days... even if you can't write, can't type,
and failed high school English class!"
Click Here for more information!

I *know* for a fact this PS (and others) sell books because
I see the sales come in within hours after sending someone
an email... even for the first time!

One of the greatest things about using PS's as subtle sales
tools is they don't cost you a dime! You're already sending
the emails!

The fastest way to come up with a PS is to use a proven
headline as the PS. In the case of the 7 Day ebook I use the
same headline that appears on the sales page. It creates a
repetitive message... and the headline works!

So get creative with your PS's! You're already sending the
email - why not create a stream of "passive income" by
using this simple, yet proven and *powerful* selling


1,000s of buyers to your web site -- for FREE!"

you can give away unlimited FREE viral eBooks as "lead generation"
-- and drive 1,000s of qualified shoppers to
your web site...

without spending a PENNY on advertising!

here to learn how!

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